A buddy and I used to throw rocks off a bluff near my house until one day he hit me in the head with a rock. I started bleeding and he started running...home....all the way home and into his room and locked his door to hide. I ran to my mom and she bandaged me up.
He hurt me but I don't remember being angry with him at all. I was young had never held a grudge before so the next time I saw him we played together like we always did.
In Genesis we find Joseph who had been betrayed by his brothers. They assaulted him and sold him into slavery. Through God's will, he rose to be second in charge of all Egypt. When he is reunited with his brothers he holds no resentment or grudge against them. Instead sees that God was working.
Forgiveness is a decision the hurt person chooses. It is painful and counter to our cultures teaching but it will free you from pain in the long run. You can do it through the Lord helping you but it all starts with you trying. God calls us to love each other...who do you need to love through the act of forgiveness?
Genesis 45:5 - ...do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you.